The much-anticipated mystery thriller Anand Sreebala, directed by Vishnu Vinay, has officially made its OTT debut. The film, which hit theatres on November 15, 2024, earned mixed reviews during its theatrical run and emerged as an average grosser at the box office. However, it has garnered significant attention from fans of the mystery-thriller genre, especially after its release on Amazon Prime Video on January 17, 2025. Following this, the film is set to premiere on another popular streaming platform, Manorama Max, on January 18, 2025, catering to a wider Malayalam-speaking audience.
Anand Sreebala is now available for streaming exclusively in its original Malayalam version. The film is accessible on both Amazon Prime Video and Manorama Max, as well as OTT Play Premium, providing viewers multiple platforms to enjoy the thrilling narrative. This marks a significant step for the movie, which is expected to find a broader audience in the OTT space. With its gripping storyline and strong performances, Anand Sreebala is poised to resonate with viewers who missed the theatrical release.
The film marks the directorial debut of Vishnu Vinay and is penned by Abhilash Pillai, known for his work on Malikappuram. The story revolves around Anand, played by Arjun Ashokan, a young, aspiring police officer with a sharp investigative mind. He assists his journalist girlfriend, also named Sreebala, in unraveling the mystery surrounding the suicide of law student Merin Joy. Drawing on the experiences of his mother, a former police officer, Anand becomes deeply involved in the case, making for an engaging and suspense-filled plot.
The star-studded cast includes Sangita Madhavan Nair, Aparna Das, Dhyan Sreenivasan, Saiju Kurup, and Siddique, among others. Vishnu Narayanan’s cinematography, Ranjin Raj’s music score, and Kiran Das’s editing elevate the film’s technical quality. Produced by Ann Mega Media and Kavya Film Company, Anand Sreebala continues to make waves, now captivating OTT audiences. Its release on Amazon Prime Video and Manorama Max has amplified the film’s reach, offering a thrilling experience to viewers from the comfort of their homes.